Rediscover precious photos and video of yesteryear:
Hong Kong spring and summer are both extremely humid and hot. Photos, negatives, slides and video tapes do not fare well in this condition and tend to deteriorate more rapidly. Unfortunately, many of these precious family belongings are left unattended for a very long time, sometimes decades, letting them to continue suffer from color shifting, mold and other deterioration.
One day, our founder comes across several decades old family photo albums. The condition of the photos was very poor with mild to severe color shifting. Most of the photos aren’t actually that old, mainly from 70s-80s. However, the hot and humid weather of Hong Kong certainly accelerated the deterioration of these photos. He decided to take matters into his own hands and stop the deterioration of these precious photos. After weeks of painstaking scanning and restoring each photo, he finally finished the task and shows his family the end result, and they could not be more pleased with the restoration. Now his family members can easily share these old photos online with friends and family and these photos will never age, color shift or deteriorate again.
He later asked around and find that most of his friends and family members all have large volume of old photos tug away somewhere in the house aging year after year. Most say someday they will scan and restore them…but too busy to get to it now. So he and his partners decided to start a business helping people to scan and restore old photos, negatives, slides and convert video tapes to digital format to permanently preserve the memories…the good time, and that is how Good Time Photo Services is conceived. With experience in photo editing and printing since the mid 90’s, he believes he can help save these rapidly aging old photos and bring back the precious moments frozen in time long ago. Our mission is to stop the rapid deterioration of old photos, negative, slides and video tapes, and to restore and preserve them forever.
後來,他發現他的朋友和親人大部分都有著大量的舊照片儲藏在房子的某處。他們總說有一天,他們會掃描和修復這些舊照片...但現在太忙了。然而,這些珍貴的照片卻一天一天地老化。於是他和合作夥伴決定成立一間公司來幫助他人掃描以及修復舊照片,底片,幻燈片和錄影帶,永久保存這些珍貴的回憶,美好的時光,這就是好時照片服務成立的故事。我們的創辦人自90年代中期已觸接照片編輯, 修復和出版行業,他深信他可以幫助保存這些正在迅速老化中的舊照片,並帶回凍結在時間中的珍貴時刻。我們的使命是制止迅速老化中的舊照片,永遠地保存和維護那段美好的時光。